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family therapy after a divorce

Have you recently been through a divorce? Are you feeling the impact of the divorce in ways that you didn't plan for? After my divorce, my kids and I went through several months where they were angry and I felt like a complete failure. It was almost a year before I decided to begin seeing a family therapist to help us get through such a difficult transitional time for the entire family. She was so understanding, compassionate and helpful. She helped us talk through our feelings and provided us with the tools that we needed to get through the most difficult time in our lives.

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family therapy after a divorce


Outpatient Versus Inpatient: Which Drug Addiction Treatment Method Is Best For You?

If you or a loved one are struggling with drug addiction, then outpatient drug addiction treatment may work for you. Inpatient drug addiction treatment may also work. You can get the relief and treatment you need if you go to an outpatient treatment service. However, some patients do better with inpatient treatment care, and it's wise to know the difference between these two care treatment options. When in doubt, allow your counselor, or choose a counselor, to help you.

Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a type of psychotherapy previously used for the treatment of  PTSD but now gaining popularity for the treatment of anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and several other mental and physical health issues. Keep reading to learn more about EMDR and whether it's the right choice for your health goals.  How does EMDR work? A therapist will encourage the patient to embrace a particularly stressful memory or feeling.

Signs Your Teen Should Seek Treatment For Trauma

A teenager's life is one that is ever-changing and evolving. Your teen may experience something that you may not see as traumatic but that you would. If your teen has seen, heard, or been a part of something that can be considered traumatic, be it a death of a loved one, a family issue, personal problems, or bullying in school, then a trauma treatment program for teens may benefit them well.

What You Work On When You Go To Marriage Therapy

Marriage therapy is one of the most beneficial options for addressing your needs within your relationship. Therapy can help you strengthen your relationship, but you first need to know how you are going to do just that. Do you want to see a real difference in your marriage? These are some of the skills and abilities you will work on in your therapy sessions. Communication Do you struggle with speaking to your partner?

The Advantages Of Seeking Treatment From A Private Psychiatrist

When you experience mental health conditions like anxiety and panic disorder, you might want to seek out the right course of treatment for them. You may recognize the need to take medications and meet with mental health professionals regularly while you recover. Along with undergoing talk therapy to facilitate your improvement, you may also want to enlist the services of a physician who specializes in treating patients with mental health challenges like yours.