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family therapy after a divorce

Have you recently been through a divorce? Are you feeling the impact of the divorce in ways that you didn't plan for? After my divorce, my kids and I went through several months where they were angry and I felt like a complete failure. It was almost a year before I decided to begin seeing a family therapist to help us get through such a difficult transitional time for the entire family. She was so understanding, compassionate and helpful. She helped us talk through our feelings and provided us with the tools that we needed to get through the most difficult time in our lives.

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family therapy after a divorce


Different Types Of Spiritual And Holistic Counseling And What They Can Offer

Sometimes psychological counseling can only take your healing process so far. You may feel that you are lacking something or missing something that can help you fill in the final healing pieces you need. That is where spiritual and holistic healing may be of benefit to you. There are many different types of spiritual and holistic healing, and each of these has something to offer which can help you on your individual healing journey.

The Voice Of Reason: How Counseling Helps You Replace Anxiety With Rational Thought

If you suffer from anxiety as a mental disorder, you can fully understand and appreciate the limiting effect that it has on people's lives. You may even find plenty of reasons to avoid counseling and medication when anxiety dominates your thoughts and decision-making processes. However, you can get better, and a good therapist can help in the following ways. Cognitive-Behavioral Modification Most people who do not have anxiety issues falsely assume that your anxiety issues are "

Marriage Is Forever: How To Cultivate A Christian Marriage That Will Last A Lifetime

The high divorce rate today can make even the most devout couples fearful of walking down the aisle and promising to love one another forever. Both Christian marriages and secular marriages seem to be failing at an alarming rate. If you are engaged and planning your wedding, you may wonder why so many married couples end up in divorce court and whether getting married is really worth it. God created marriage, and the Bible states in Malachi 2: 15-16 that God hates divorce.

When Marriage Changes: Facing A Terminal Illness Together

Marriage is a constant changing work in progress. Life can throw curves that can cause even the strongest relationship to falter. This is never truer than for couples who are facing a diagnosis of a terminal illness. Serious medical issues change the dynamics of the roles couples play in a relationship and the expectations that they hold for each other.  Partners will also travel the stages of grief at different times and in different ways.

Common Anger Management Counseling Questions and Answers

Anger can have a profound impact on your behavior. Unfortunately, there are many people that struggle with this powerful emotion, and they may need help learning to control the impulses this emotion can cause. Luckily, anger management counseling is available to help individuals that are suffering from this problem learn to control and channel their feelings of anger. If you have only recently started considering this option, having a couple of questions answered will make it easier for you to decide whether this is a type of counseling that can benefit you in your day-to-day life.

Let's Talk About Sex: How Discussing Your Sex Life Can Rebuild Intimacy.

When you are attending marriage counseling, one of the more difficult topics couples have trouble with is sex. Most people don't want to talk about their personal life with a therapist, and talking about sex is even harder. To regain the intimacy that you and your partner may have lost because of issues around sex, it's important to discuss this crucial component of your married life. Both Partners Feel Unsatisfied

When Your Child's Extreme Picky Eating Indicates It's Time For Help

It's one thing to have a toddler who's a picky eater, but quite another when a child severely restricts the kinds of food they're willing to eat and gets very upset at the prospect of trying something else. Pediatric speech therapists can help when the problem isn't sheer stubbornness. These therapists not only specialize in helping youngsters with speaking difficulties, but those with problems involving eating, chewing and swallowing.  Problem Feeding

When To Seek Couples Counseling

Relationships are a lot of work. Even the strongest couples have to work at their relationship at times. There are countless situations that can create ripples within a relationship including: communication disconnects, lack of quality time together, infidelity, sexual drive changes, finances, having children, children leaving the home, career changes, and many more. How couples maneuver through these things has a significant impact on the longevity and fruitfulness of the relationship.

Tips Every Parent Should Know About Helping Their Child Succeed

Many parents spend a great deal of time worrying about their children. They wonder what they can do to teach their children correct principles and help them be prepared for the "real world." Although there are many things that parents can do to help their children, here are three things that every parent should do. 1. Teach Your Children How To Talk To Adults Many parents worry about how their children will act around their peers.

3 Surprising Facts About Testing Hair Follicles For Drug Use

If you are one of the millions of people in the United States who must pass a drug test as part of your employment, you are probably familiar with urine drug screening. However, it is becoming increasingly common for employers to test the hair of their employees, in order to get a more accurate reading. In that instance, there are several key pieces of information that you should know.  Testing Hair Follicles Provides A More Accurate Result

Couples Therapy: Discover The Power Of "I" Statements

One of the most important things that couples therapy can teach struggling couples is how to communicate effectively. This is because once you and your significant other are able to communicate more effectively, you will be able to prevent many conflicts and quickly resolve many of the day-to-day conflicts that may arise throughout your relationship. One of the most effective ways to do this is through the use of "I" statements.

Depression In Men Is A Real Problem

In a culture where men are told to "man up" when they show any signs of weakness, it can be difficult for a man to admit to being depressed. The National Institute of Mental Health says that more than 6 million men each year do develop some type of depression. If you're a man, you may be uncomfortable with this statistic, but if your work and relationships are being affected by your mood, you may be hiding from the facts.

Uncaging The Tiger: Overcoming Indecisiveness And Insecurity

As you grow older, you may be increasingly aware that your insecurity and indecisiveness need to be addressed. It won't be easy, but you can become more independent, open to opportunities, and happier. You can acquire confidence and feel secure. Understanding your Influences It is estimated that 2.5% of the population have dependent personality disorder (DPD), but take heart. Just because you have some traits of dependency doesn't mean you have a full blown personality disorder. Most personality traits run on a continuum from non-existent to severe.