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family therapy after a divorce

Have you recently been through a divorce? Are you feeling the impact of the divorce in ways that you didn't plan for? After my divorce, my kids and I went through several months where they were angry and I felt like a complete failure. It was almost a year before I decided to begin seeing a family therapist to help us get through such a difficult transitional time for the entire family. She was so understanding, compassionate and helpful. She helped us talk through our feelings and provided us with the tools that we needed to get through the most difficult time in our lives.

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family therapy after a divorce


Tips For Staying Sober When You'Re Traveling By Air

After you've successfully completed an alcohol addiction treatment program, you're hopefully making a daily effort to maintain your sobriety and stay away from environments in which it's tempting to drink. At home, it can be relatively easy to keep your life structured in this manner, but other environments can be more challenging. If you're planning a trip by air, you need to be cognizant of the fact that many things could tempt you to drink.

You May Need Counseling To Forgive People In These Situations

Forgiveness is something that many people struggle to achieve when they've been through difficult situations. Being able to forgive someone who has wronged you allows you to move on in a positive manner. If you decide to continue to maintain a functional relationship with the person in question, your ability to forgive him or her is integral. Even if you decide to put the person behind you, being able to forgive him or her allows you to carry less resentment around with you, thus improving your emotional health.